we've done crazy things,
and then made them normal

Lights On

We are using grandMA3 for fix installations to couple the MA world with building automation ecosystems such as Apple HomeKit, Lutron, Control4, and Crestron.


During my professional life, i was involved in over 200 projects related to topics of integration and consequently automation. Ranging from small till large.

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Technical Spin Doctor

Identifying facts of mishaps in organizations or technical endeavors. But instead of spinning a positive interpretation, my job is to influence change and solve problems traditionally.

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The Machiavelli Mistake

In Machiavelli, there is no moral anchor, only the pitiless seas of fortune. Or is there? We have to ask ourselves whether the Big Beasts may have misread their master. Have they failed to grasp the subtle ambiguities, the sly undertext, that admiring scholars effortlessly extract from his work?


About Me

Bernhard Hüssy on how to integrate various IoT protocols and platforms in the field of building automation.

let’s become acquainted,
and find out if we can bring you further.