Bern, 24.01.2017 - The 2016 special measures to mitigate the effects of the strong franc, put in place by the Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI on behalf of the Federal Council and Parliament, have been concluded. 161 innovation projects were conducted by export-oriented SMEs; the additional credit of CHF 61 million was used up almost entirely.
Between the beginning of July and the end of December 2016, 335 applications were evaluated for funding totaling around CHF 142 million. 161 projects were approved, receiving funding of CHF 60.3 million, which is an approval rate of around 48 per cent. The overriding consideration during the evaluations was on the quality of applications. Each application was carefully and thoroughly examined by independent experts from science and industry to ensure that there was a correlation with the strong value of the franc and that the approved applications were of high quality.

sounds good, right? the opposite is true in real life, projects with a low probability of scaling get funded as soon as they have some “political sideshow”. I learned a lot about submission and processing, while creating the following PDF, hope you also enjoy its reading.




Hotel Pigalle